Monday, January 11, 2021

How to Relax Your Hair Step-by-Step Guide

Over-processing may result in unsightly breakage. You’ll be working with dangerous chemicals that can harm your skin and possibly damage your clothes. Get a hairdresser’s cape and plastic gloves and put them on before handling the relaxer to prevent any harm or damage. Read the directions on your relaxer kit thoroughly and make sure you understand everything. While relaxing your hair is relatively simple, it can also be dangerous.

how to relax your own hair at home

Don’t worry about applying the solution over the entire rod. Gravity will pull the solution downward toward the bottom of the rod. Perm solution comes in a plastic squeeze bottle. While you can snip the tip off, it is better to pierce it with a pin, like a thumb tack or a push pin. This will give you better control over the product. Choose a side to start with, and unravel the run.

Do a Strand Test

Relaxing your own roots is notoriously difficult to get right and can be damaging to the hair. And how I should make the decision of a home or salon perm." Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,707,797 times. A perm will start to loosen after about 2-3 months and should be retouched to maintain the style. Don't use products containing silicones and alcohol. Silicones will lead to build-up, while alcohol will make it turn dry.

Hair kind is best ascertained when you clean up your hair with a gentle clarifying shampoo. After washing your hair, let it naturally air dry because drying out your hair with a blow dryer temporarily changes its curl pattern. In addition, don’t wash your hair with a towel because doing so could make your hair frizzy and make it harder to determine your true hair type. Grind a cucumber or two into a fine paste, and apply a thick layer on your hair.

Massaging Your Scalp

There are many benefits to relaxing your hair at home, including cost savings and the convenience of not having to make an appointment at a salon. Take a look at the steps outlined below, then you can decide whether or not a home-relaxer is for you. Wrap a cotton strip around your hairline, tucking it under the rods. This is very important, as you’ll need some sort of barrier between your skin and the perm solution.

Some women burn from a lye relaxer application but don't suffer any ill effects from a no-lye product. It's still a good idea to protect your scalp, hairline, ears, and neck from the chemicals. Some box kits contain a petroleum jelly protectant, while others don't. If you have a jar of Vaseline handy, dab it on the listed areas, including your scalp parts, to minimize irritation.

How to Relax Your Hair in 8 Easy Steps

You can gently comb your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb, but you’ll have to wait 1 week before you brush it. More importantly, leave your hair as-is for the duration of the week. This means no curling, straightening, ponytails, braids, etc. Split your hair into 3 sections, with a middle and 2 sides. Use the handle of a rat-tail comb to create 2 side parts, 1 on each side of your forehead.

Be certain you use it correctly over the entire length of hair loss. Take a hot towel and wrap it around your nose. If you're like me, once I had the perm on my head, I was ready to rinse it out. I've noticed that many people only tell you to base your edges and your ears. If you’ve never applied relaxer before, you’ll be coating all of your hair. If you have, then you should only be applying it to your roots.

Aloe gel is great for oily and curly hair, as it removes excess oil, makes hair luscious, silky and smooth. It works as a great natural hair relaxer which smoothens curls naturally. Aloe Vera has also been shown to remove impurities from hair, leaving it squeaky clean. Extra virgin olive oil is a good choice for adding moisture to your hair. Let it sit overnight, then wash it out with a clarifying shampoo.

how to relax your own hair at home

Once you’re done conditioning, it’s time to break out the neutralizing shampoo. Once you’re happy with the relaxer’s coverage, double-check the directions and set a timer based on the manufacturer’s specifications. A rattail comb will be your best friend for this step.

Relaxing Your Hair: A Summary

Purchase a strip of cotton batting from an online or local beauty supply store, then wrap it around your hairline, tucking it under the edges of the rods. Before employing a relaxer, consider coating the ends of your previously relaxed hair using some conditioner. This is a great precaution to help avoid over processing of previously relaxed hair loss. It can be readily found in the supermarket and also be utilized for hair relaxing purpose. Put on the cocoa butter straight in your hair. Be certain that you apply a thick coating of it.

how to relax your own hair at home

Much of the conversation surrounding black hair in recent years has been about caring for and styling natural hair, and for good reason. The directions that come in a relaxer kit are there for a reason. Although it's a simple process, it can still be dangerous, so take the time to peruse the instructions to avoid serious damage. Also, pay attention to the recommended processing time, and avoid the temptation to leave the relaxer on past it.

Consider separating your hair into smaller sections

Always consult a professional hair stylist if this happens to you. This may feel gross, but it is very important. Curly hair doesn’t need to be washed as often, for starters. Also, if you wash your hair too soon, you’ll undo all of your hair work; the curls will come out. Just because relaxer kits are inexpensive and readily available, you should still use caution when using them. Chemical abuse is real and the effects can be permanent.

Perms use chemicals to permanently alter the structure of your hair. If used repeatedly they can cause damage, especially if combined with other chemical treatments like hair color. Anytime you get a relaxer, you should use a base such as Vaseline. I’ve noticed that many people only tell you to base your edges and your ears. When relaxing my hair, I based my edges, my ears and my scalp. Basing the scalp definitely helped stop the burning.

How to Care for Your Relaxed Hair at Home The New York Times

Go with a regular strength relaxer for normal to thick, coarse hair. Pick a relaxer strength based on your hair’s thickness and texture. For most, a “regular” strength relaxer should work just fine.Get a relaxer with mild strength if your hair is fine, color-treated, or damaged.

how to relax your own hair at home

Don’t worry about applying the solution over the entire rod. Gravity will pull the solution downward toward the bottom of the rod. Perm solution comes in a plastic squeeze bottle. While you can snip the tip off, it is better to pierce it with a pin, like a thumb tack or a push pin. This will give you better control over the product. Choose a side to start with, and unravel the run.

Scalp Protector (also known as base)

Apply the mask to your hair and scalp, and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. For example, if the mask should be left on for 10–15 minutes, don't sleep in it. This article was co-authored by Noël Reid-Killings. Noël Reid-Killings is a Professional Hair Stylist and the Owner of Noël New York Salon & Boutique. With over a decade of experience, Noël specializes in curating and customizing hair solutions for all hair types and textures.

Use the handle to draw even sections on the top, sides, and back of your head. It’s also a good idea to skip workouts in the days leading up to your relaxer. Not only can sweat irritate your scalp, but it can also cause your hair and scalp to feel dirtier, which might be a bit frustrating. If your scalp starts to burn while the perm is activating, wash the solution out immediately. Keep in mind that bleaching and highlighting are not recommended.

Prepare Your Hair and Scalp

Wait at least 2 weeks before you dye your hair. If you dye your hair too soon, you not only risk damaging your hair further, but you may lose your curls. Once those 2 weeks are up, however, you can treat your hair like you would regular hair; you can dye it, bleach it, or even highlight it.

how to relax your own hair at home

Once you’ve washed your hair, pat it dry with a soft towel or old T-shirt. This is especially important if this is your first time relaxing your hair or using a new brand of relaxer. You can either snip away a small section of hair or apply the chemicals directly to a small area before using a relaxer over your entire head. It's best to perform a strand test the day before you want to relax.

Can Relaxed Hair Go Back to Natural?

The most important preparation step is to avoid washing your hair for at least 7-10 days before applying your relaxer. Even gentle shampooing can irritate your scalp and cause burning when you apply the relaxer. Your stylist can whip the relaxer through all of your roots at once. Relaxer should be applied only to dry hair, though. So make sure the back sections aren’t damp when you start the process over again there. When touching up your roots, it’s important to avoid putting relaxer on hair that’s already straight.

how to relax your own hair at home

This will ensure that the relaxer is completely removed from your hair. Also, leaving it on too long can damage your hair. Mix a tablespoon of vinegar with half a tablespoon each of water and honey, and apply on dry hair. After you’ve washed the neutralizing shampoo from your hair, you can dry and style it as usual. Since your hair sustains quite a bit of damage when you relax it, you should try to minimize heated styling tools. First, you’ll need to rinse the relaxer out of your hair.

Hair Mask Recipes

Massage the oil into your scalp from roots to tips for 5 minutes. Spread the rest of the oil through your hair, from the roots to the ends. 3 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 4 to 5 drops of vitamin E oil. Relaxer is quite damaging to your hair, so you should skip hot styling methods when possible.

Lastly, rubbing a slice of aloe vera along your hair and scalp can do wonders for curly hair. Just rinse it off after minutes with a clarifying shampoo. Make a honey-based mask for dry, damaged hair. Stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 to 2 tablespoons of avocado or egg yolks.

Because relaxer can irritate your skin, it’s a great idea to apply a base cream directly to the scalp to protect it. Part your hair in multiple places and apply the base to your scalp. Don’t forget to apply the base to your hairline and around your ears as well. Get a no-lye relaxer if you have a sensitive scalp. There are two main types of relaxers, lye and no-lye.

how to relax your own hair at home

In this kind of situation, you may decide on natural relaxers that have fewer odds of leaving any damaging consequences on your hair. Relaxed hair is for calming the hair changes and keeping the natural glow pattern of the hair follicles. The curl patterns of relaxed hair range everywhere from Type 1 to Type 3 hair. The significance of relaxed hair may continue to be curly, when the curl pattern is simply looser than the initial texture.

Tips on Relaxing Black Hair at Home

You can do this process every four to five days to receive the best outcomes. Heat styling tools such as flat irons and curling irons can weaken your hair, making it more prone to breaking and becoming damaged. Try to limit your use of heat styling tools as much as you can. Keep a towel or two on standby in case you have any spills.

Instead, sleep with a silk scarf to keep your hair flat or apply a leave-in conditioner to smooth away any frizz. You want to condition before your shampoo because your hair’s cuticle will be open, making your conditioner more effective than if you wait. You should break each larger section of hair into smaller sections to ensure the relaxer gets evenly distributed. This is another point where the rattail comb will come in handy.

That means you shouldn’t anticipate any instant results like the chemical relaxers give. However, these components will provide appropriate nourishment and make your hair soft and powerful for certain. Relaxers are the goods that are supposed to eliminate the curls and make the hair easily identifiable. It is possible to discover many finest brands of hair relaxers. But all of them include harmful chemicals, which may also lead to unwanted effects. In this situation, you may decide on using natural relaxers that have fewer odds of leaving any damaging consequences on your hair.

One thing to remember is, chemical relaxer shows quick result. To the contrary, the use of organic relaxer may take some time to reveal the positive effect. I stretch my relaxer ten to twelve weeks ensure more new growth for a touch-up. In this way, I can be sure where the line of demarcation is to use my relaxer. One thing you do not want is overprocessed hair.

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